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© 2015-2016 Hancke Potgieter Auditors

The People

The Partners

HP Audit’s ability to continuously provide a superior, personalized service to our clients is a testament to our firm’s leadership. With their combined proven expertise as senior members of the auditing profession, Cobus and Philip are also active in contributing to the development of the industry and assisting in maintaining professional standards. They have served on the audit committees of inter-alia the Estate Agency Affairs Board, Profmed, Rennaisance Health and are currently serving on the Audit Commitee of the SA Institute of Tax Practitioners.


Cobus Hancke

Partner | BComm (Hons), CA (SA)

Philip Potgieter

Partner | BCompt (Hons), CA (SA)

Our partners have extensive qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience in both the academic and commercial work environments. Their personal attention to detail, broad field of expertise gained over many years and the high premium they attach to building and maintaining a relationship of trust with our clients, furthermore place them in an exceptionally strong position to fully understand and address client requirements.



Karin Smith

Management | Office Manager

Marencia Carriero

Management | Audit Manager

Donet Steyn

Management | Audit Manager

The Staff

HP Audit’s friendly, competent and committed team consists of accountants, auditors, BEE Verification specialists, trainee accountants and administrative personnel. The firm cares about the continued empowerment of its staff and invests substantially in their training to ensure that we keep abreast of new developments in our field of expertise and that our clients consistently receive excellent advice and assistance from our qualified experts.


